ВизначивСмірнов Н. А., Андрющенко Т.Г. , Ткебучава І.Б.
Код (акронім) установиПриродничий музей Чернівецького національного університету імені Юрія Федьковича
Смірнов Н. А., Андрющенко Т.Г. , Ткебучава І.Б. Каталог колекції бабок (Odonata) Природничого музею Чернівецького національного університету // Збірник праць Зоологічного музею. - 2016. - №47 - с.66-78.
Примітки1 m, літо 1998-2000
ID : 11556 Електронний обліковий номер: SMNH001015
István Kolozsvári, LászlÓ JÓzsef SzabÓ, GyÖrgy Dévai "Occurrence pattern analysis of dragonflies (Odonata) on the river Tisza between Vilok and Huszt besed on exuviae// Applied ecology and environmental research. 2015, 13(4): 1183-1196.
István Kolozsvári, LászlÓ JÓzsef SzabÓ, GyÖrgy Dévai "Occurrence pattern analysis of dragonflies (Odonata) on the river Tisza between Vilok and Huszt besed on exuviae// Applied ecology and environmental research. 2015, 13(4): 1183-1196.
István Kolozsvári, LászlÓ JÓzsef SzabÓ, GyÖrgy Dévai "Occurrence pattern analysis of dragonflies (Odonata) on the river Tisza between Vilok and Huszt besed on exuviae// Applied ecology and environmental research. 2015, 13(4): 1183-1196.
István Kolozsvári, LászlÓ JÓzsef SzabÓ, GyÖrgy Dévai "Occurrence pattern analysis of dragonflies (Odonata) on the river Tisza between Vilok and Huszt besed on exuviae// Applied ecology and environmental research. 2015, 13(4): 1183-1196.
István Kolozsvári, LászlÓ JÓzsef SzabÓ, GyÖrgy Dévai "Occurrence pattern analysis of dragonflies (Odonata) on the river Tisza between Vilok and Huszt besed on exuviae// Applied ecology and environmental research. 2015, 13(4): 1183-1196.
István Kolozsvári, LászlÓ JÓzsef SzabÓ, GyÖrgy Dévai "Occurrence pattern analysis of dragonflies (Odonata) on the river Tisza between Vilok and Huszt besed on exuviae// Applied ecology and environmental research. 2015, 13(4): 1183-1196.
István Kolozsvári, LászlÓ JÓzsef SzabÓ, GyÖrgy Dévai "Occurrence pattern analysis of dragonflies (Odonata) on the river Tisza between Vilok and Huszt besed on exuviae// Applied ecology and environmental research. 2015, 13(4): 1183-1196.
István Kolozsvári, LászlÓ JÓzsef SzabÓ, GyÖrgy Dévai "Occurrence pattern analysis of dragonflies (Odonata) on the river Tisza between Vilok and Huszt besed on exuviae// Applied ecology and environmental research. 2015, 13(4): 1183-1196.
István Kolozsvári, LászlÓ JÓzsef SzabÓ, GyÖrgy Dévai "Occurrence pattern analysis of dragonflies (Odonata) on the river Tisza between Vilok and Huszt besed on exuviae// Applied ecology and environmental research. 2015, 13(4): 1183-1196.
István Kolozsvári, LászlÓ JÓzsef SzabÓ, GyÖrgy Dévai "Occurrence pattern analysis of dragonflies (Odonata) on the river Tisza between Vilok and Huszt besed on exuviae// Applied ecology and environmental research. 2015, 13(4): 1183-1196.
István Kolozsvári, LászlÓ JÓzsef SzabÓ, GyÖrgy Dévai "Occurrence pattern analysis of dragonflies (Odonata) on the river Tisza between Vilok and Huszt besed on exuviae// Applied ecology and environmental research. 2015, 13(4): 1183-1196.
István Kolozsvári, LászlÓ JÓzsef SzabÓ, GyÖrgy Dévai "Occurrence pattern analysis of dragonflies (Odonata) on the river Tisza between Vilok and Huszt besed on exuviae// Applied ecology and environmental research. 2015, 13(4): 1183-1196.
István Kolozsvári, LászlÓ JÓzsef SzabÓ, GyÖrgy Dévai "Occurrence pattern analysis of dragonflies (Odonata) on the river Tisza between Vilok and Huszt besed on exuviae// Applied ecology and environmental research. 2015, 13(4): 1183-1196.
István Kolozsvári, László József Szabó, György Dévai "Dragonfly assemblages in the upper parts of the river Tisza: a comparison of larval and exuvial data in three channel types // Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 2015, 61 (2): 189-204.
István Kolozsvári, László József Szabó, György Dévai "Dragonfly assemblages in the upper parts of the river Tisza: a comparison of larval and exuvial data in three channel types // Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 2015, 61 (2): 189-204.